Nice article thanks for sharing

I don’t believe the baffle could be offset to the depth of the 2nd study but a flat design would be the way to do any kind of taper towards the outlet would cause a type of vortex I would imagine. I do believe that the motion race works one allows for the baffle to be installed on the internal or external side….but if spacing allows it for sure would be preferable internally.
Also a side bar excess oil consumption can also be attributed to improper catch can configuration as a precaution I did my dual can set up as below…Keep in mind my head ports are capped off.. So I’m only using the term high side an low side just to differentiate the two…once your capped these is no longer a actual high or low side.
My dual catch can set up:
High side 10an to catch can inlet..
High side 10an catch can outlet to the stock bmw flapper then into the rear turbos inlet
Low side 10an to catch can inlet.
Low side outlet has a 10an to 6an pcv to a 6an fitting on the EOS intake manifold.
I also have the VTT vented oil cap “hopefully it vents any excess crankcase pressure”
And for additional safety I have the VTT vacuum relief fitting installed. Granted I had to install that on the front side of the casing head. Really this is kinda of redundant if you use the bmw flapper valve but can never be to careful. These engines will really let you know if you are not functioning within a proper vacuum/crankcase pressure range.
Also there is more than one way to skin a cat I have seen other catch can configurations it’s kind of a trial an error process to figure out what works best for you.
Ok I really have to stop procrastinating an get in my garage do the damn clutch swap an turbos…Getting pretty painful for the ole man on jackstands 51 ain’t the new 30 incase anyone thinks that saying is valid
So in summary “Is a aftermarket valve cover worth it”
In my opinion there are some really pretty valve cover options that are expensive. But at the price if they would of revised the current offerings after some feedback to improve some of the issues an maybe idiot proofed em a bit…heck yeah I would say 100%…But as they are ehhh only if you really enjoy tearing into your car semi often..