Sorry, I hope that didn't come off as snarky, that wasn't my intent. I don't have a problem with it either, I wish not locking was the standard practice. But since that's not the case on this platform, it stood out to me that you had an unlocked bin from a tuner - not that it's a problem, just not normal from what I've seen.
Personally, I don't think tuners would lose much business from not locking. I think most people either don't have the interest, confidence, or time to learn to self tune, and would rather pay somebody to do it for them. Sharing open bins won't change that.
Years ago I spent time on club 3g and evom, and sharing was the norm. People would discover things, and just post up the specific text to add to your defenition files to add new tables, un-solicited. And people were still paying for email tunes from people who built up good reps for tuning.
Anyways, if I could help you out I would, but I don't have the knowledge. I do hope you get your issue sorted out - I know how it feels to know there is a simple solution out there, but just out of reach. Good luck, I'm sure you'll get it sorted