So I pulled and pressed all the bushings tonight, just need to get another couple input / output shaft bushes and figure out what I'm going to do with this PD input shaft. Next up is soft seals and clutches, but I'm waiting for the hard bits to be sorted before that.
I tried to go in order from front to back...
input shaft
Had to pull this one out since the shaft is out of spec.
PD clutch kit in Nizpro basket, 9 steels, 8 frictions, no top plate, no wavy plate.
clearance test...
all good..
I wanted to make sure the top steel wouldn't be able to slip at all since this is normally a much thicker top plate. I couldn't get it to budge.
a clutch basket
b clutch
a clutch hub
Couldn't get a grip on it, had to bang it out.
rear assembly / output shaft support. Didn't have the bushing to push in thanks to the Nizpro fuckery.