As I wrote above, just confirming that all breather orders are going out today... except for a couple of you special snowflakes, which I'll explain below.
Guys like Mike R, you know who you are, if you call up VTT and curse out a 70 year old woman (That'd be Wilma, a long standing member of the VTT family) because a product hasn't shipped -your order went straight to the trash. I guess you didn't know you were on speakerphone with Tony in the same room.
This isn't to say that we don't understand frustration. This isn't to say we aren't working on ship times and pushing new development. This is to say there is a right way to go about this and a wrong way, and if you're ridiculously rude we don't want your business. We'll cancel your order, refund your money, and black list you from buying direct from us in the future. You guys are not the type of customer we want to support and I won't waste my time on it either.
I am sorry I even had to write this. To the vast majority of you who have been patient -I (we) appreciate it. As stated above, all breather orders are going out, Alex is working double-time, boxing and shipping like a 240V energizer bunny, you'll all have your goodies in your hands very soon.