So with what is currently going on with my car I've had to do some thinking on what I want to do with it. I've already decided to take out the front drivetrain and swap to RWD using xdelete for now. I have however had the thoughts of making more power and I can't imagine that the stock 6hp19 is going to be terribly happy at some increased power (500-550whp). One side of this is how I will be getting to that power with either a single turbo kit built by a guy up in Minneapolis, or go upgraded twins and keep the low down torque. Then there is the side of the drivetrain where I could do what some of the other members have done and swap in a manual box from a RWD 535i or 335i, or do a newer conversion of a RWD 8HP70 transmission from an N57 car. I do drive this thing everyday, but it isn't my only mode of transport. Granted, this is for far future planning and none of it will be happening soon, but I'm curious if any other forum members have done similar things with their car and what your experiences are.