Exactly simpler way so everyone gets it is if you have noise at 10 khz and it follows a rhythm for very short interval it can pollute a 100 hz signal. Digitally if you isolate a 10khz signal that lasts 1 hundredth of a second that will grossly exaggerate the amplitude of an actual 100 hz signal which a dsp can do as long as the resolution is high enough however it is def better to eliminate as much garbage noise before it gets into the system. Gigo garbage in garbage out is the proper term for this situation I belive.
I am not arguing with the dsp when that's developed great cause if it's powerful as is said then can easily filter out alot of junk ahead of time.
I am not arguing with the dsp when that's developed great cause if it's powerful as is said then can easily filter out alot of junk ahead of time.