Well peeps here is data. 93 Octane MHD Map sent to me by a fellow tuner (not a friend anymore)
Pic 1: OTS, pic 2: OTS, pic 3:OTS
Now lets take a look at my Cutom tune for customer on 93 octane, flash only application as well.
Pic 4,5,6 my custom tune on lower boost.
So considering claims and accusations, first one has to show the data and relay the thought, not just say something. Second, competition will always be negative towards you as you are competition after all. Third, simple... SH*T HAPPENS! Cars blow up, they break by just standing in parking lot and leaking coolant. When you take the car out of mechanically designed range, guess what ? Things will break, turbos will blow, and engines will be done etc.
Considering the impact made in the community by Wedge I had great respect to him but if anyone knew the whole situation they would look into things more. Wedge offered to help me tune back in the day but besides XDF and few PMs I had no help from him. Then we had a fight and things went sideways since then. I apologized to Ken for calling him a Rat and called to Neutrality in long run however as you can see his word means nothing - however that is for another day, another talk.
When well established tuner makes a comment everyone automatically believes it as he is known BUT looking at different perspective he did blow a lot of motors so did other calibrators. You might say "Volume odds" True but no one is talking down him because of being "established" and no one would either believe or just talk down on owner itself... you also ain't getting refund most likely nor reply for a week or so(just a thought)
Conclusion: YES! - I do have MHD maps, upon request I can take them down from google drive and no I don't use them as is too much pain to rebuild them into what I want. NO! - I did not rip them from ECU (You can do whatever you want with Kess and Ktag btw), someone else did, he is a Tuner and if you know many people in Florida who have shops and specialize in N54 ... you will riddle that one out yourself. YES! - I am new to the BMW (1+ years) but it doesn't mean I am not good at what I do. YES! - there are some cars that have problems but I am not the only one who has those customers, its part of the game.
PS: Eventually things will break, motors will pop, customers will be unhappy and someone else will get blamed as it is human nature. Questions comes to this: "Are you willing to take the risk to break some parts in order to get faster" - if the answer is "yes" then you are gambling. For ANY questions to me, please tag me, msg me on FB or send me an Email.
Things as "Nannies" and "Limiters" Will differ in some ways but for most part they are close to stock. These are main components that make a map ( I think I forgot a "Load" but that is interchangeable on constant)