Stage 2 LPFP and EKPM3-DE Module Issues


Nov 7, 2016
2010 BMW 135i
Hey Guys,

Some of you may know this already or this maybe the first you have heard: Using a Fuel-It! Stage 2 Pump requests a larger amount of draw from the PWM system to modulate fuel flow in tank to pressurize the HPFP. This is the EKP module that does this based upon PWM, load and RPM.

The issues i've seen pop up now that the Stage 2 pumps (doesn't seem to affect stage 3 pumps) is that the EKP overheats due to the added draw of a Walbro 450 pump. Causing many driving issues like a crashing LPFP which takes out the HPFP and causes a misfire. The only fix is to replace the EKP module with a new one (virgin module $250) or buy a used one off eBay ($50).

I did this recently and was told i would need to reprogram the EKP module or the car wont start. I installed mine and it started just fine! LPFP reading used to be 67 and now rests at 72-76 sometimes. Great!

BUT now I have over-fueling issue upon throttle tip in at WOT, which causes the AFR's to run super rich then super lean as the HPFP dives then stabilizes. . URGH!

DOES ANYBODY KNOW HOW TO REPROGRAM THE EKP MODULE? OR HAVE ANY INSIGHT? I attached a log as well to show the lean spike and HPFP crash but recovers.

Thanks for you help in advance!


  • 2016-11-10 20_47_22 lean spike.csv
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Nov 25, 2020
I think i flashed correctly but sill not starting, just the starter firing. The first module tested was EKPM3 HW6. I used the same process to code another module EKPM3 HW4 but same results. All cranking, no firing. Im going to let the battery charge up and see if its a low voltage issue.

In winfkp, i did the comfort mode, ident ECU family (with the Zusb), selected the zusb, hid done, then process ecu. The coding looked like it completed and was said successful. I did not have a place to add the VIN. I had 2 modules in winfkp, one EKP and one EKPM3. Whats the difference? Or is the car confused? I flashed the EKPM3 but cant tell if there was a hardware conflict or something even with the old EKPM2 removed.

Then went to NCS, used the CAS lookup, back, process ecu, selected EKP with default settings and completed the flash.

Otherwise, I've read the next step is replacing the sensors?

In WinKFP if you do Comfort Mode the next menu has 'Enter VIN' as the F4 function (at least in my version). You should be able to confirm the flash by going into INPA and getting the UIF. Just paste the results in here. The ZB number that WinKFP said it was going to update to should now be listed in the UIF on the EKP module, and it will show the VIN as well. I can't speak to the different as to why EKP other similar things are listed multiple times. I believe the module name shown in the UIF is the one that is being 'used'.

NCS is to code the module (think configuration), WinKFP should be responsible for flashing (think firmware). I default coded the module after I flashed it.



Jan 5, 2022
I found a field to edit and was able to write the VIN to the EKP and see it in INPA.

I flashed again and still cant get it to start. Previously it would start but stall. Now its just cranking. The errors now are HPFP and the crank sensor. The HPFP is only 4 years old. Could the LPFP knock it out?


Nov 25, 2020
I found a field to edit and was able to write the VIN to the EKP and see it in INPA.

I flashed again and still cant get it to start. Previously it would start but stall. Now its just cranking. The errors now are HPFP and the crank sensor. The HPFP is only 4 years old. Could the LPFP knock it out?
I would use INPA to test the LPFP next. You should be able to hear it running during the test. It is easy, just Google for the process.

Did you swap the LPFP as part of this too? I don't see how changing the EKP could break the HPFP. An issue with the crank sensor could cause a no start, but I don't see how that would just break either.


Jan 5, 2022
Yes, i changed the LPFP to a walbro 450 and made it about 60 miles before the car died. I took the car from stock to FBO+hybrid twins also.

I was able to test the LPFP via INPA and it seemed to work. I need to let the car charge, I think the battery is getting low and may be causing some of the issues.

One concern was in WINFPK I have EKP60 and EKPM3. I coded the EKPM3 module but am wondering if i should hit EKP60 since that was the OEM module?


Nov 25, 2020
Yes, i changed the LPFP to a walbro 450 and made it about 60 miles before the car died. I took the car from stock to FBO+hybrid twins also.

I was able to test the LPFP via INPA and it seemed to work. I need to let the car charge, I think the battery is getting low and may be causing some of the issues.

One concern was in WINFPK I have EKP60 and EKPM3. I coded the EKPM3 module but am wondering if i should hit EKP60 since that was the OEM module?

I dont think that's it, but you can try. It shouldnt hurt anything either way.

You might need to relook at the install in the bucket. If you can hear the fuel pump prime, I would expect the car would start if there is no problem in the bucket.. If you have MHD, you can log the LPFP pressure and see what it does during crank. It is possible one of the hoses in the bucket came loose or something.


Jan 5, 2022
FML, so went in this morning and found that the fuel pump side of my tank was empty, and that the other side was full. My fuel gauge read as half full as a result.
The good news is that the EKPM3 is coded correctly and is working.
I picked up a new fuel filter this morning and seems like the gas is still not flowing from the filter side to the pump side.
So, thank you for helping with the coding! i need to recode my air suspension module also so im now equipped to do that as well.

Time to track down the syphon gremlin
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