With N54 FF old Bank 1 is used as fuel main (your 91/93) and bank 2 is used as your E85 table. Timing and some other tables are added to empty space on the rom (bin... whatever you want to call it) but anyways that is why it auto populated some of the data. When you ran the bin through the converter it added some values to bin and modified others. I traced back some of the hex addresses and new address for addresses as well and its empty space on bin before modification. Means new HEX data is written with executable.
As for your question on how to interpolate the table for max power and max load at Ethanol % you are targeting, lets say E50. You have to fill full interpolation at that E85 level that you scaled. My tables might look little bit different since I modified some stuff. Also for the sensor I have 0.5-3.0-4.0 Voltage scaling. If you want it to be more linear you can do 0.50-2.25 and 4.0 which will make voltage scaling smoother (I like smooth everything on the car). This will also help with some STFT spikes in area where you roll into boost, which I noticed on some cars.