For those that are bored and want to read....
I worked on this last night and was able to reach a small compact mirror down from the top and find the hose clamp to the inlet. I felt around the perimeter of the inlet hose (silicone) and the clamp wasn't on straight. It took everything I had (or at least I thought) to get a stubby screwdriver and/or 7mm socket/ratchet in there, make the connection and then try to twist them to loosen the clamp... .eventually got it loosened. Tried to wiggle it into place a little more and it popped completely off.
I thought loosening the clamp was bad but getting that thing lined up and onto the turbo snout, was very difficult to say the least. If my arms were 1/2" shorter I don't think I could have made it. There is a bracket that holds on the vac-actuator that sits just below in the inlet. The distance between the hose and the bracket seemed to be about a millimeter and kept hanging up there or on something further back.
Putting the clamp back on was just as much fun as taking it off...
Got it all back together and then inserted my air hose to the other side of the inlet where I made a little plug with a a QD for air hose. The other inlet was also plugged up and slowly added air pressure to see if it would hold.... nope.
Checked everything again and then saw that I was missing a plug in the front inlet pipe! I looked inside the engine bay and it was sitting in there. Pushed that plug in and and tried the air again.... that worked ... until my blow off valve started hissing badly (already knew that was a problem, but making good progress). I tried to get to the snap ring that held in the BOV but it was turned in a way that was just out of reach for the pliers. I tried to turn it with a pick and it moved a bit but it also dropped completely in the retaining groove! you could tell the distance between the snap ring ends increased 2x..... sealed that up and no further leaks.
I think if I started with the front inlet and worked toward the back I would have solved this HOURS earlier. Live and learn the hard way.
Thanks to
@ktb_e92 for all of the help (on multiple threads)
Now on to removing and replacing my oil cooler lines which sprung a leak.