I just want to be clear that this isn't a new feature or a fix that everyone needs. This is just a fix for a specific issue that
@studio54 was experiencing with his car. If your car has lambda readings that oscillate across eachother in a helix pattern then post a log here and we can try find out what toggles work for your circumstance.
I have seen the lambda oscillations in a lot of logs for catless cars but the causes vary. It seems they all stem from diagnostic routines but there's not just one that can cause this dancing afr issue. They are only present below 4k rpm and at low pedal input so most people don't know they are there and don't pick up on the associated surging feeling it generates.
I personally had the problem on both my cars and I started digging and it turned out to be caused by the catalyst efficiency diagnostic routine so I disabled that and everything is happy. The fix on my INA0S cars was completely different to Studio54's I8A0S car. It might just be that the routines are slightly different between MSD80 and MSD81.
This is only applicable to custom tuners though. The OTS maps are locked for a reason and it's not fair to Wedge to change that. If there's some consensus on the fix maybe it will be added into the "catless downpipe" tickbox in MHD but that would need buy-in from Jake and probably need a few more case studies.