I got under it this weekend and just about lost my mind lining up the Turbo-Intercooler charge pipe perfectly, but it's still leaking.
I think I've been a dumbass though. When I changed my chargepipe back in October, I broke the clips to the vacuum hose that goes from the charge pipe to the clean air pipe and it's the most likely reason why. Part comes in tomorrow and I'm praying that fixes it. Otherwise she's going somewhere with a better testing setup, I don't have a smoke machine or compressor.
Yeah, the bastard F25 intercooler fitments suck! As far as boost leak testing, make sure that if you take it to a shop that they remove the oil cap, otherwise it'll blow out the crank main seals. That said, most shops suck at performing a decent boost leak test. It'd be cheaper to go buy a compressor and do it yourself. A 30 gallon version does it nicely.
Also, that fuel evap vent pipe leaks boost from the factory. It's restricted at the control valve orifice, but it's the N55's wonderful little built-in boost leak! Cap it on the inlet side to test properly.
Still, flash 91 2H and post up a 3-4-5 log or as close as you can get to that.