I think that one in my post there was just a suggested table for Jake to use for something else, but I'll double-check after work.
For the fan, that table sets fan speed based on difference between ambient temp and IAT, so you can kick up the fan to pull air through IC or heat exchanger while atopped/crawling. IATs heat up with no/little airflow, so you can bump the fan regardless of what it would normally be doing for engine cooling. Once you're at about any speed though, the fan isn't going to make much difference.
For the fan, that table sets fan speed based on difference between ambient temp and IAT, so you can kick up the fan to pull air through IC or heat exchanger while atopped/crawling. IATs heat up with no/little airflow, so you can bump the fan regardless of what it would normally be doing for engine cooling. Once you're at about any speed though, the fan isn't going to make much difference.