great discussion. I am actually a first time bmw owner, I currently have a 04 525i, earlier this week I got my k+dcan cord in the mail but the software that came with it does not work on windows 10 and currently the only laptop I have is running win 10, I have found multiple links that say they work on win 10 but no real directions as to how exactly the get all the software up and running. now to my thoughts on this posting comong from someone that wants to learn both tuning and coding for my car, I think it is a sstrech to go out of your way ti teach someone you don't know how to cpode or tune there car, but knowing this is a hard subject to learn, well for some, others find it easy I think if you know what your doing and someone is doing all they can to find the information so they can learn I think you should definantly offer any help you reasonable can, im not saying do it for them or even do much but maybe give them the right places to find the correct information themselves so they can learn cuz speaking from experience it is hard to filter thru all the different information on this issue and know which is correct and current from which is old outdated or just simply does not work .