This is a pretty involved setup. Think of the beta as "release candidate" quality software - that is, the authors have vetted enough to have confidence that no major issues will cause harm to the public. Now it is a question of testing on grander scale to flush out smaller issues - that's the beta. No one has a crystal ball; just turn the crank, release new software builds until the remaining issues are resolved.When will the official release be? No beta.
When beta is over![]()
There will never be an optimized OTS map for E85. Running E85 on OTS FlexFuel is basically the same as your 91/93 pump map power wise. If you wish to run E85 regularly, I advise you to get a pro-tune, so your tuner can evaluate your fuel system and recommend you upgrades appropriately if needed.
So, am I missing something or did I misunderstood ?Go from straight 93oct to 100% E85 or E98 on the same flash![]()
It's a real disappointment.
In the first post, you were saying : "Go from straight 93oct to 100% E85 or E98 on the same flash"![]()
So, am I missing something or did I misunderstood ?
First question, will it be safe to run 100% E85 on OTS FlexFuel ?
Second one, if not, could you please give me the contact of a pro tuner who could help me and the average cost of a map ?
More specifically, as soon as we get some good logs from people running the OTS maps on various E blends and tweak the interpolation tables if needed. So far I have not received a single one.
Il get you a couple logs today. Planning on filling up on a little more ethanol today possibly to get closer to e50. Currently at e35.
It should not take a few minutes. The ECA does take a few seconds to boot and start supplying the DME with the signal, but you should be able to sit in the car (ign off), start monitoring on MHD, press ign on (don't start car, just ign on) and wait maybe 8-10 seconds and see Ethanol % populate correctly. Let me know when you are able to upload some logs of various E%'s![]()
The ECA takes a few seconds to boot and start sending it's signal to the DME
Here is an image of just ign on.
Does the system remember the e% at a start however, so that the above matters only right after filling up at a pump and changing the e%?
How long did it read 100? Can you possibly take a video showing time from ign on press until it displays correctly?
Does the system remember the e% at a start however, so that the above matters only right after filling up at a pump and changing the e%?
The ECA takes a few seconds to boot and start sending it's signal to the DME. It gets its power at IGN on. I would suggest single pressing the button a few seconds before you start the car.
Is there a way to change this to the Terminal 30g? I think this is the one that activates when you unlock the car.
Shouldn't this be locked to the EKPS module? BMW has already figured out how to get the various systems in the car prepped for startup and the EKPS module manages the low pressure fuel system. Basically when the EKPS decides it is time to power up the LPFP system it should power up the ECA too.
Tap the positive wire from the LPFP then?