In case anyone missed it:
Do you think there will be a OTS map to run with the Flex Fuel kit or will we need to be custom tuned to use it. This definitly plays into pricing for me. $150 - motiv flex fuel , $ 120 Sensor, $ ?? for the module in MHD, and if I need to get custom tuned then its gonna add another couple hundred.
Completely agree with you. I, however, do want to run OTS maps. As a daily with only a chargepipe and FMIC I believe a custom tune would be of much less utility to me vs someone with FBO+turbos etc. The language has been very vague about what tune options will work with this. I was hoping that the MHD 93 and E OTS maps would work and the MHD add on would simply allow interpolation between those existing maps. At least thats how I interpreted some of the earlier language, more recently it seems only talk of custom tunes. Would love some clarification about the MHD add on, until that comes I'll hold off on purchasing. If the clarification comes, I'll jump on it Sunday.
Do you expect the MHD update to come out around the same time as pre-purchase shipment or will it be trailing?
Well perhaps for twin turbo people a flex fuel map can be made, I have a hard time understanding how one can be made for my particular single turbo setup with boostbox, ADV Sensors, double shotgun, etc. If you can do that, this is great!
Well perhaps for twin turbo people a flex fuel map can be made, I have a hard time understanding how one can be made for my particular single turbo setup with boostbox, ADV Sensors, double shotgun, etc. If you can do that, this is great!
It’s his signature move![]()