I'm usually a lurker on this forum but this warrants a response. PR is stating that they still claim to have "zero natural failures for our coils even with almost 5,000 shipped!". A failure is defined as lack of success or not getting to the desired outcome. I'm not sure what a 'natural' failure is, though. BreakMyBillfold did not get the desired outcome with his kit, and a lack of success is present. In my opinion, when PR states "our coils", this should include the shipped harness, at least in this statement, since it is part of the system they're shipping. Presenting BreakMyBillfold with a harness that was wired incorrectly is defined as a failure in the system (again, I am assuming that the term "our coils" includes the harness as they should be making the claim to encompass their product as a system, not just the coil). Not only do they have a failure, they have two known failures now, and both have been sent to BreakMyBillfold. It's a little unclear from his response above stating "Check your harnesses folks", but that's the replacement harness that was sent, and yes, with incorrect wiring yet again. I have nothing against PR or their product, but making the claim that they have zero natural failures is incorrect, unless natural failures is being defined differently that how most understand it as. Even if the term is being defined as such not to include the harness, then by all means, they're correct, but that's silly to exclude the harness from that claim. My $0.02.