Seems confusing?
Group Buy pricing:
Option A: BoostBox………………………………………………………….…..$150
Option B: Boostbox+Pro-lite…………………………………………………$200
Option C: Boostbox+Pro-tune……………………………………………….$320 (15% off )
The pro-tune lite will include a dynamic off-the-shelf style map with a few revisions to meet your boost target goal. This will also include our proprietary PID calibration to keep you on target at all times. What it won’t include is additional calibration to any other part of the map to get the most out of your particular set up. Pro-tune lite will include Pump, E50 and E85 tunes and will be VIN locked.
There is no pro tune lite option??
Im guessing you mean:
The pro-lite will include a dynamic off-the-shelf style map with a few revisions to meet your boost target goal. This will also include our proprietary PID calibration to keep you on target at all times. What it won’t include is additional calibration to any other part of the map to get the most out of your particular set up.
Pro-tune will include Pump, E50 and E85 tunes and will be VIN locked.
Due to popularity, we have decided to put the sale price up on the site for 2 weeks. Prices will adjust during check out. If there is any problems or questions, feel free to ask!
What advantages would there be to the people running stockers like me,Thank you! Fixed the option
What advantages would there be to the people running stockers like me,
IF you could for simplicity sake give me a bulleted list of reasons why I should go with your product.
You might win a sale if you pitch it right ;P
First big paragraph of the OP: "to work with the 35A Mac solenoid valve for single turbo users". Key words: single turbo lol.
First sentence in my reply: "What advantages would there be to the people running stockers like me"
If nothing than, proceed.
He just means it isn't compatible for twin turbo users. The functionality this enables is something you already have with twin turbos.
Correction twin turbo user with the factory style vacuum waste gate control. Other twin turbo user can use this setup but idk of anybody that has a twin turbo kit that doesn't use the factory style kit.