Thanks. I'm wondering about DME adaptations as well as TCU adaptations. I'm currently tuning my Load to Torque 1, 2, 3 tables to work better with my scaled tune and current setup (N20 TMAP / 23 psi / 93Oct OEM turbo/exhaust '08 AT 335xi). On another forum, @NYT posted some useful info including the following LTT table for his AWD AT N54, indicating he no longer got any Torque Limit Active = 4 codes:
View attachment 4649
I just loaded these values and scaled the load axis and I am getting some
slight Torque Limit Active = 4 codes under WOT.
So my question is whether it is known whether the ECU and/or the TCU logic will adapt to such slight Torque errors. If so, I'll just drive around some more and give it a few days to adapt. If not, I'll modify the table some more.