MG Flasher Beta for Newest BMW MG1 Bosch ECUs (Aurix)


Oct 15, 2018
340i B58
MG Flasher Beta Program for Newest BMW MG1 Bosch Aurix ECUs


MG Flasher is at the final stages of adding support for the newest MG1 Bosch ECUs with MCU TC29x (Aurix) found in Gen 2 (newest generations) B48/DME84T0 and B58/DME86T0 and we are offering beta software for interested participants. After thousands of flashes on our development car G20 M340i, we are finally opening the doors to the latest MG Flasher software. Next we will be adding Rolling Launch Control (Anti-lag) on the B48 and B58 platforms, which will be part of our unique custom code features (Switchable Maps, Max Cooling and Burbles On-The-Fly).

Beta program participants will receive a discount for all licenses used on supported Aurix ECUs and free access to our logger. At the time being, we are not offering our unique On-The-Fly options for Aurix ECUs, but they will be released shortly after. Launch software will include options like removal of OPF, cold start, catalytic converter and speed limiter; adjustability for burbles and target engine cooling temperature will also be available. Not all OTS maps will be available immediately, initial testers will receive custom map files tailored directly for their vehicles based on logs acquired with our logger. Interested parties who would like to join the beta program should contact us at or message any of our social media pages. We are only taking applicants with eligible software and using a first come first serve system. We are looking forward to your feedback.

Please note, recently updated ECUs may have the latest software security that require manual unlock on the bench via select Authorized Dealers and tuners with bench tools. Best way to check is to connect via our app and contact us with your VIN.

The following vehicles may be supported (depending on software revision):
G20/G21/G28 - 318i/320i/330i/M340i
G29 - Z4 sDrive20i/sDrive30i/M40i
G07 - X7
G06 - X6
G05 - X5
G02 - X4 (New ECU revision)
G01 - X3 (New ECU revision)
G11/G12 - 730i/730Li & 740i/740Li
G14/G15/G16 - 840i/840i
G30/G31/G38 - 520i/530i/540i
G32 - 630i/640i
J29/A90 - Toyota Supra
F40 - M135i

We would like to thank everyone who helped make this possible, our dealers; Artur and Tony from @a2performance, David from @performancecentre, Tony from @cpa.power, Anton from @bmw_chiptuning, Dmitry from, who have all worked hard to test the flashing process and search for bugs. We highly recommend @a2performance for custom tunes. Also, the many alpha testers who allowed us to develop software directly on their vehicles. And finally, the dedicated team of engineers who took precious time away from their families to spend countless late nights developing the app and maps to make a buttery smooth user experience and some fast cars.

If this was not enough for some of you, another sneak peek of what our team is working on; ANTILAG! Yes, that is right, Rolling Launch Control will be coming to MG Flasher. It would not be a true custom feature from MG Flasher if it did not have user adjustable features, so hold onto your seats for details on that! Supra AK-47 tunes are incoming!

The MG Flasher Team

G20 M340i B58


G20 320i B48


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Oct 15, 2018
340i B58
TCU 8HP Limiter Lifted for Beta Users on G20 M340i, Supra and more!
MG Flasher update v241


As you may recall from our last post, we announced the development of the TCU 8HP torque limiter removal on the G20 M340i and Supra and today it is being delivered for new generation B58/B48 Beta Users! Furthermore, there is no need to reflash the transmission control module! We provide a user interface that allows adjustability of the maximum torque value (up to 1000 Nm) giving the user full control over total engine output on both B48 and B58 vehicles. As an added bonus, if you choose to let your significant other or relative get their hands behind the wheel this will serve as a valet option where you can lower the total output to a value lesser than stock (minimum 250 Nm). After you update to the latest Custom Code v0.1 on your ECU (~4-minute flash), this change is then added to the calibration area of the ECU. Thereafter, it will be a quick flash of under 30-seconds (when using ENET)!

The internal torque limitation of the factory transmission software in the G20 M340i, Supra and other G series models is 550 Nm, anything past this torque value (which is normally seen on Stage 1 and up) will immediately trigger a TCU limiter that will activate a torque reduction module within your ECU to prevent you from making more power. There is no solution on the market to program the new generation 8HP51 transmission yet, so we decided to create own solution and provide our users with optimal engine tuning software. With only our engine ECU modification, we have been able to completely remove this limitation and can now offer software calibration on MG Flasher without the need for any transmission tuning (regarding main torque limitation). With this implementation there is no need to skew the torque/load calculation model maps within the ECU to keep the limiter from triggering therefore giving us an unaltered torque value that is true within the ECU and TCU. This allows for accurate calculations, smooth shifting and no software trickery. Obviously, there will always be benefits to tuning the transmission software however this solution can now provide people with newest 8HP the option for optimal engine tuning without the need to re-calibrate the transmission software.

Supported models:
G20/G21/G28 - 320i/330i/M340i
G29 - Z4 sDrive20i/sDrive30i/M40i
G07 - X7
G06 - X6
G05 - X5
G02 - X4 (New ECU revision)
G01 - X3 (New ECU revision)
G11/G12 - 730i/730Li & 740i/740Li
G14/G15/G16 - 840i/840i
G30/G31/G38 - 520i/530i/540i
G32 - 630i/640i
J29/A90 - Toyota Supra

We are constantly working on providing users with the most advanced technology in ECU development and are always striving to serve you better. We take your feedback and input seriously and will always do our best to go above and beyond for you all. Follow us if you want to stay up to date on the latest and greatest projects in the works. We look forward to the Beta feedback and wish you all a great rest of the week!

The MG Flasher Team

Note: App update is awaiting Apple and Google review, should be ready to download by the end of the day.


Oct 15, 2018
340i B58
MG Flasher Beta Program Support for Newest BMW MG1 Bosch Aurix ECUsGen 2 B48 & B58


Stage 2 E30 M340i 515-712.png

Stage 2 M340i 491-679.png

Stage 1 M340i 454-636.png

Stage 1 330i G20_BHP.png


MG Flasher is proud to announce official support for the Gen 2 B48 and B58 platform. These vehicles use the newest MG1 Bosch ECUs (DME84T0 & DME86T0) with MCU TC29x (AURIX). After many of flashes on our development car G20 M340i and over a hundred beta users, we are finally opening the doors to the latest MG Flasher software.

A Flashing License provides access to our unique adjustable TCU torque limiter available only on these ECUs for B48 and B58 models. With our Custom Code implementation there is no need to skew the torque/load calculation model maps within the ECU to keep the limiter from triggering therefore giving us an unaltered torque value that is true within the ECU and TCU. This allows for accurate calculations, smooth shifting and no software trickery. On-The-Fly options for Aurix ECUs are under development. Stage 1 and 2 OTS maps will include options like removal of OPF, cold start, catalytic converter and speed limiter; adjustability for burbles and target engine cooling temperature is also available.

Please note, ECUs with software updates from 11/2019 and later may have OBD flashing security that require removal of the ECU to unlock via select Authorized Dealers or Tuners with specialized bench tools. Interested Dealers should contact us for exclusive access to a customized version of Magic Motorsport’s FLEX tool. We have also enabled 3rd party unlock support on these ECUs to help transition to MG Flasher. Furthermore, updates from 7/2020 may fully lock the ECU; there are no tools available on the market to unlock ECUs with this new update. Best way to check your ECUs security level is to connect via our free app.

The following vehicles are supported:
G20/G21/G28 - 318i/320i/330i/M340i
G29 - Z4 sDrive20i/sDrive30i/M40i
G07 - X7
G06 - X6
G05 - X5
G02 - X4
G01 - X3
G11/G12 - 730i/730Li & 740i/740Li
G14/G15/G16 - 840i/840i
G30/G31/G38 - 520i/530i/540i
G32 - 630i/640i
A90 (J29) - Toyota Supra
F40 - M135i
If your vehicle is not listed here, please connect our free app and press “Check Support” to check if OTS maps are readily available for your specific ECU revision. We may be able to prepare them for you if not yet available.

We have prepared OTS maps for both B48 and B58 vehicles with excellent results. Our goal was to increase the performance and focus on creating safe and reliable calibrations that retain factory functions and safety features. From our many tests, our B58 OTS maps have modest gains; up to an additional 109 hp & 180 Nm (133 lb-ft) on stage 2 from stock! On 184 hp model B48 vehicles our stage 2 maps increase stock output by up to a whopping 156 hp & 201 Nm (148 lb-ft)! All attached dynos are measured in bhp except for the DynoJet B48 which is measured in whp.

B58 Gen 2
Stock: 382 hp & 500 Nm (369 lb-ft)
Stage 1: Up to 450 hp & 636 Nm (469 lb-ft)
Stage 2: Up to 495 hp & 680 Nm (502 lb-ft)

B48 Gen 2 184hp model
Stock: 184 hp & 270 Nm (199 lb-ft)
Stage 1: Up to 310 hp & 430 Nm (317 lb-ft)
Stage 2: Up to 340 hp & 470 Nm (347 lb-ft)

The new MG Cloud Log Viewer is available online and it is integrated with our professional logger built into the MG Flasher App. Tuner’s may customize which RAM addresses to log in order to get direct access to the ECU’s internal calculations. Users may upload logs directly to their cloud account after linking their API key with a new MG Cloud user account. We’re working on joining accounts together for ease of use. Have a look at the example logs Stage1 M340i G20 on our new MG Cloud Log Viewer:

Now that we have official support for these vehicles, our next steps are to create custom code including switchable maps, burbles, max cooling, and antilag. The goal is to enable in app adjustable custom code ON THE FLY, where flashing will NOT be required to change settings!

We would like to thank everyone who helped make this possible. Thank you to our dealers who have all worked hard to test the flashing process and search for bugs. The many beta testers who allowed us to develop software directly on their vehicles and spend countless hours driving and logging. Finally, thank you to the huge fan base that has grown over the last few years, you motivate us to continue making MG Flasher better than ever!

We are looking forward to your feedback.
The MG Flasher Team

Photo credit: @edotuning


Oct 15, 2018
340i B58
MG Flasher Black Friday and Cyber Monday 2 Week Sale


We are offering 15% off all MG Flasher Licenses and our official ENET Adapter!
Available through our dealer network and at

Offer is valid from November 20th until December 3rd, 2020

Also, checkout the new list of supported Gen 2 B48 and B58 vehicles at