M-Drive and MDM in non M cars


Staff member
Nov 4, 2016
Hong Kong
found some time to test CC while driving today, kind of hard to test it with so many cars around
i changed my VO back to 544 and default coded kombi, CC stalk works as if the car was coded for 540 but no CC info shows on kombi

also, i noticed 540 CC doesnt work the same as 544, you have to press the button on the side of the CC stalk to engage CC, push the stalk to speed up, pull up or down to cancel. pullling the stalk gives me mixed results, sometimes it will decrease the CC speed, sometimes it doesnt do anything....

i suspect the 1m/m3 firmware doesnt have the logic to handle DCC hence M3 only got 540...
too bad i cant flash back to non-m to test and confirm...
i am still thinking if i should go down the LDM route...its not hard to install hardware wise but i have no idea if coding it will be a challenge

thanks for confirming the 0x399 M toggle, 0x4EDD3 for IKM0S was mentioned by @KClemente above....
i have it enabled already as well, i am on the latest beta mhd from google play store
the only thing i havent tried is doing a full write to ensure the flag gets written in

i guess i really need to log the mhd parameters to troubleshoot and worst case, throw a datalogger on pt-can to see if the 0x399 messages are actually being sent by the dme.......hope i dont need to resort to a datalogger as i took mine apart and reused some of the parts for my sim racing pedals........

i will continue playing with this on and off if when i can.... but life is going to get busy again soon :(


Staff member
Nov 4, 2016
Hong Kong
m3 cluster, m3 dsc module, m3 dsc firmware, 540 cruise control

it works, but it doesnt always engage the first time i push the cc stalk.



Aug 11, 2017
Looks good, at least you have that much. My CC doesn't work at all no matter what I do with buttons. If it bothered me enough, I'd just swap the stock Kombi back, but I rarely used it anyway.


Staff member
Nov 4, 2016
Hong Kong
Looks good, at least you have that much. My CC doesn't work at all no matter what I do with buttons. If it bothered me enough, I'd just swap the stock Kombi back, but I rarely used it anyway.

well i still miss 544 for the cruise control logic...540 is scary to use if there is any traffic around you....
still contemplating whether i should mess around and add a ldm and somehow code my way through this if its even possible...

anyways.... finally wired up the dsc button end to end...i fought with the stupid button box module connector for almost an hour to get it open... every time i pried it it feels like it wants to break apart.... i ended up swapping pin 1 which had the jbbf dsc off signal with the pin 41 dsc off button from dsc

the other pin connected to the button goes to ground



Staff member
Nov 4, 2016
Hong Kong
quick log, seems my switch press isnt getting recognized

looks like i need to somehow get st_mdrv_taster to 2 for everything to run, i will look at it again tomorrow



Aug 11, 2017
Yep, nothing will work until MDrive button is working and pushed. CW SPORT SZL is 760C1 on IK, make sure it's enabled (should be by default on IK IIRC). Taster status will be 2 while button is pressed if everything is working and coded correctly.

If SZL is enabled in IK, there's still a problem somewhere. The SZL you have is for an MDrive car, right? There's another lv_bn param that shows if there's an error causing it to not work, I'll see if I can dig it up, but it's obviously not working lol


Aug 11, 2017
Never mind, you have it on there and I see it goes to 1 near the end of the log. I also see the variant for sport switch on is good.


Staff member
Nov 4, 2016
Hong Kong
Yep, nothing will work until MDrive button is working and pushed. CW SPORT SZL is 760C1 on IK, make sure it's enabled (should be by default on IK IIRC). Taster status will be 2 while button is pressed if everything is working and coded correctly.

If SZL is enabled in IK, there's still a problem somewhere. The SZL you have is for an MDrive car, right? There's another lv_bn param that shows if there's an error causing it to not work, I'll see if I can dig it up, but it's obviously not working lol


yes i have a m3 mdrive szl, i remember seeing my dme throwing a code about unrecognized message 0x1D9 a long time ago so it WAS working before i started messing around...

also, i havent seen this code for a while and i don't even remember if this happened before or after i swapped and coded to a m3 dsc module

since the timeout value is going up and lv_err_bn_spt_swi gets triggered after ~10 seconds, i suspect my szl is not advertising the correct canbus message (ID 0x1D9)

easiest way to troubleshoot this is to throw a canbus logger on pt-can to look at the message but i need to build one from scratch since i reused the parts in other projects...

so, i am going to see if i can get lucky by reflashing + recode the dsc module which should take care of the szl as well

edit: i was googling and found an old post of mine, i think this mightve happened because i default coded my jbbf to m3.

edit 2: recoded jbbf to non m, 0x1d9 code from dme is back...



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Aug 11, 2017
That would seem to indicate the message is there then, but MDrive not activating.

I think M3 Kombi has it off and 1M Kombi has it on, but do you have the MDrive monitor/alive/checksum active in Kombi? I don't think it's needed, but may try for the heck of it.

Are you default coding or custom coding modules and what do have in your VO?


Staff member
Nov 4, 2016
Hong Kong
i am finally back with a canbus logger :)

0x399 has the mdrive active bit enabled per the activation flag from rom
but.... i am missing the 0x1D9 message on PT-CAN which would explain why lv_err_bn_spt_swi got triggered
the wording of the dme error code totally threw me off....
my guess is most likely the jbbf is not translating the message/letting the message through or my szl is not coded properly (kind of unlikely as i can only get things to code properly when i use a M3 VO)

fwiw, i am running a non-m VO on my CAS and M3 VO on my FRM just so i can code my M3 DSC properly
i dont remember what VO i am running on my JBBF though

since im 6MT and have a M3 DCT cluster, i am very inclined to just go with superwoofys module so i can get the shiftlights to work

coded my dsc again (i can only code it as m3 since i am running a real m3 dsc), didn't work
coded my jbbf to m3, didnt do anything

i reread parts of this post and some memory came back
1. if you switch to a real m3 dsc module, you will need to change VO in one of your CAS/FRM modules to properly code it
2. if you switch to a real m3 dsc module, ista-d doesnt know the car has a m3 dsc so service functions to bleed brakes or bleed abs won't work, dsc yaw calibration and szl steering angle reset works though
3. i also figured out why i was getting more parameters in protools for my dsc compared to ncsdummy, protools is buggy when using different VO between modules. however, since coding config is converted to nettodat before it gets fed to the dsc so thats why some of the settings not seen in ncsdummy for mk60_m3 can still be coded in (eg. hill start, brake assist)
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Staff member
Nov 4, 2016
Hong Kong
Sorry for such a late reply.
Yes, weirdly, I indeed used KCAN for sending 0x206 messages, I remember it seemed weird at the moment too.
no worries, thanks for confirming. i didnt get anything when i sent 0x206 through pt-can so the packet didnt get forwarded to kcan by jbbf

i just finished wiring everything up and stuffed it into a box.... now i just need to find the time to wire it into the car and test it


Jan 3, 2023
well it works with an arduino
View attachment 91239
Is this the "real" MDM or did you just use an older Speedo and pressed DTC?

Because I noticed that with Older M3 Kombis (No DSC OFF Light in the middle on top) It would light up MDM when pressing DTC. After fitting in a Facelift Kombi (DSC OFF Light present). I would ALWAYS light this up and never use the MDM. Difference was that when pressing DTC it only turned the light on whereas with DSC OFF it switched the light on AND sent a Check Control "DSC OFF".

I have successfully fitted Superwofys Canbus Module and I am in constant contact with him. I am currently trying to figure out how to enable the Real MDM.

I currently have a modified IKM0s Flashed and a non-m DSC. I would need to flash my DSC to M3 software via Winkfp (Already used winkfp to flash my msd81 to the 1M ZUSB, so MHD doesn't revert back to my Stock 335is ROM). Wiring in the DSC button that I have next to the shifter (like in an OEM m3) to PIN 41 on the DSC is sufficient?

Is this correct?


Staff member
Nov 4, 2016
Hong Kong
Is this the "real" MDM or did you just use an older Speedo and pressed DTC?

Because I noticed that with Older M3 Kombis (No DSC OFF Light in the middle on top) It would light up MDM when pressing DTC. After fitting in a Facelift Kombi (DSC OFF Light present). I would ALWAYS light this up and never use the MDM. Difference was that when pressing DTC it only turned the light on whereas with DSC OFF it switched the light on AND sent a Check Control "DSC OFF".

mdm and dsc off are different lights on a m3 cluster
shitty screencap i found off google
dsc off is below MDM

i am on a real m3 dsc module so i cant flash to 1m
in short, i made things complicated for myself so the only way for me to enter mdm mode is through the m mode button on the steering wheel

I currently have a modified IKM0s Flashed and a non-m DSC. I would need to flash my DSC to M3 software via Winkfp (Already used winkfp to flash my msd81 to the 1M ZUSB, so MHD doesn't revert back to my Stock 335is ROM). Wiring in the DSC button that I have next to the shifter (like in an OEM m3) to PIN 41 on the DSC is sufficient?

Is this correct?

what dsc button next to the shifter? you mean the m3 buttons? you dont need those for a 1m dsc flash
if m mode is enabled in your flash and the superwofy module is working properly you should be able to go into mdm mode the same way you turn on dtc mode

there is a custom xml log channel somewhere in this thread to verify


Jan 18, 2021

The issue is that the DSC is not wired on pin 41. Without a positive voltage on this pin DSC will reject any mode changes requested by 0x399.


Jan 3, 2023
mdm and dsc off are different lights on a m3 cluster
shitty screencap i found off google
dsc off is below MDM
Yes thats correct. However the Pre LCI M3 cluster uses a different Light than the Facelift one. And currently I have the Facelift Cluster installed. My MDM doesn't light up as I don't have it (Stock non-M flashed DSC).

However on a pre LCI M3 cluster if you hit DTC you'll get the MDM to turn on (But you still wont have MDM).

Heres a pre LCI (notice the gap at the top)

Heres a LCI:



Staff member
Nov 4, 2016
Hong Kong
Yes thats correct. However the Pre LCI M3 cluster uses a different Light than the Facelift one. And currently I have the Facelift Cluster installed. My MDM doesn't light up as I don't have it (Stock non-M flashed DSC).

However on a pre LCI M3 cluster if you hit DTC you'll get the MDM to turn on (But you still wont have MDM).

Heres a pre LCI (notice the gap at the top)
View attachment 96097

Heres a LCI:

View attachment 96098

hmmm what is that thing on the bottom left of the lci m3 cluster, first time i see it

anyways im on a m3 dsc module, so there is no DTC for me to turn on or off, only MDM