1. this bottom mount option is awesome!! Not saying I even have an interest in buying it, but it's awesome because it represents more growth in the N54 community and advancement. Also, I am a College kid who isn't necessarily on a cheap budget, but I really do look for a good bank for the buck factor in my mods. This option is great for those who want the most bank for the buck and not the absolute best of the best. I simply just don't think the money for a Motiv kit is worth the bang for the buck, even though it's one of the nicest and sexiest kits Ive ever laid my eyes on. In reality, you have people on extreme ends of the spectrum (on a cheap budget like on3, and people who are ballin with Motiv bottom mount kits) and then those in the middle who just want a good bang for the buck without being super cheap. This kit could be absolutely perfect for that.
2. I Think it is a bit ridiculous of OP to complain about JPworkz without paying a dime for a deposit or anything. Why on earth would JP Workz make a kit in 3-4 weeks (which is hard ass work im sure) without any sign of commitment from the buyer? Its basically common sense at this point that JP workz isn't a big business where inventory just appears out of no where. For him to have a kit, Im assuming takes a lot of work, and doing that is 3-4 weeks is obviously pretty fast. Even to a customer paying in full, that is excellant treatment to build a kit that fast. When Jerry said he could do it, it should have been assumed that if you were paying in full, then theoretically he could bust his ass for you, and do it in 3-4 weeks. But expecting him to bust his ass without any commitment or paying yet is a bit ridiculous. Gonna have to side with JPWorkz on this one.
3. I want to be the next Omar