GWS unprogrammable


Jan 29, 2023
Hey man I'm currently in the process of doing this same swap. I'm going 6HP to DCT. I've got my vehicle order showing its a DCT car but haven't coded any of the modules yet. I'm afraid of bricking them hahaha.

I'm also currently waiting on a M Factory flywheel to be able to put in the trans. I am getting the same codes you are with the parking lock and the PT Can Comunication. Any insight you can offer would be awesome man!
So the EGS PT can 1 and PT can 2 code is a hit or miss, are your wipers constantly going or are they in the normal not on position, depending on how they are acting will help with starting areas to look at


Jan 29, 2023
So the EGS PT can 1 and PT can 2 code is a hit or miss, are your wipers constantly going or are they in the normal not on position, depending on how they are acting will help with starting areas to look at
If your wipers are going full blast the entire time and wont turn off, you actually have a PT Can communication fault, if they arent it should just require coding, Bricking them is pretty hard todo unless you royally mess up, In the sense that you arent 100% sure what your doing and somehow type the wrong ZB in. In the sense of coding youll need two programs, INPA and winKFP, Go to inpa, e90, functional jobs, then hit F3 (UIF) This will give you a full drop down menu of all the ZB Numbers for each module on the car and what vin is currently assigned to each module, depending on what year your vehicle is will determine how many modules will require coding, Lets just say all you have to swap is the trans and code. Id suggest taking a picture of the UIF menu that shows all the zb numbers for each module as it will be useful for winkfp, and you cant have two programs open that were connected to the car as the com port will prioritize the one that was open first, theres a few settings youll have to change in winkfp to make sure the module actually gets coded, alot of people say the UIF (Not sure if thats the actual name, going off of memory here) settings should be unchecked, when unchecked when programming winkfp wont ask for a vin and also wont tell you how many times that module can be programmed/affect how many times it can be programmed, i tried this way and each time I did it, it would fail in some sort of way before it finished the second progress bar. With that all said, when your in winkfp, go to comfort mode, choose custom file, and scroll around till you find the module you are looking for, heads up though, there are a ton of modules on here, its kept pretty simple in the terms of what module in the list is what, for example DSC falls under 10 or so different versions of the DSC number so youll be required to go through each option and find the ZB number that matches the one you have under inpa, when thats done, remember the name of that version of module, go to choose ecu and choose the same one you picked in the first menu, then after this is done, hit enter vin, type your vin in, hit done then prog. zb, this will then program your ECU. make sure your comport settings are correct, (1ms response) is important otherwise youll constantly fail when programming if its anything other than 1ms.


Jan 29, 2023
So the EGS PT can 1 and PT can 2 code is a hit or miss, are your wipers constantly going or are they in the normal not on position, depending on how they are acting will help with starting areas to look at
if you have any other questions feel free to pm me or continue here, i know that response is everywhere but that should cut some of the confusion out


Aug 25, 2021
So the EGS PT can 1 and PT can 2 code is a hit or miss, are your wipers constantly going or are they in the normal not on position, depending on how they are acting will help with starting areas to look at
Thanks for the reply.

The wipers currently are in the not on position.
I'm gonna try to code all the modules today hopefully. I just set up the NCS EXPERT, Expert profile.

Again thanks for the tips.


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Jan 29, 2023
Thanks for the reply.

The wipers currently are in the not on position.
I'm gonna try to code all the modules today hopefully. I just set up the NCS EXPERT, Expert profile.

Again thanks for the tips.
Looks like your not running into an actual PT can fault as your GWS and EGS are reading, make sure to remove X-Drive from your V0, one of the not supported modules is the transfercase, not sure why thats showing up but make sure its not coded as an AWD still. Youll mainly be using winkfp to program the modules from here, after i finished programming i went back to NCS and processed the entire car


Aug 25, 2021
I actually didn't program the GWS. I just coded it and everything seems to be working fine. My car is a 2006 build date so the wiring is completely different.

What problems are you having with the GWS? In the DIY video from Zero To 60 YouTube channel he bricked the GWS and had to recover it with an ICOM box and finished off by saying that the only way to program the GWS was with an ICOM. That's why I didn't bother with programming it.

Start watching at arround 2 minutes in.


Jan 29, 2023
I actually didn't program the GWS. I just coded it and everything seems to be working fine. My car is a 2006 build date so the wiring is completely different.

What problems are you having with the GWS? In the DIY video from Zero To 60 YouTube channel he bricked the GWS and had to recover it with an ICOM box and finished off by saying that the only way to program the GWS was with an ICOM. That's why I didn't bother with programming it.

Start watching at arround 2 minutes in.
I programmed my shifter mulitple times with a regular dcan cable


New Member
Jul 20, 2024
Single turboed my car. Now getting GWS NO CODE.
Is it due to being in neutral and the battery unplugged for 2 months?