So, I just tried this yesterday. Put JB4 (old board) on map 0 to flash with MHD and a bimmergeeks cable. First drive, ran fine for a few moments, and then started to judder violently at low RPMs after leaving neighborhood - below 3k. Get on the throttle any amount after that, and the throttle pedal was disabled entirely. Had to re-start the engine to re-enable. Loads of codes were logged: CDBD, 2D59: "DME internal failure: control actual torque??", 2D5A: Control motor torque limitation, 2FA3: Coding Missing. I reset a load of adaptations with my BT tool and it now it's no longer disabling the throttle, but: 1) The low RPM judders are still noticeable (when trying to maintain a speed like 5-20 mph), 2) seems to hesitate going to full boost at low RPMs. I believe it's still throwing torque limitation codes.
I like the throttle response, except the lack of low end torque and the juddering. I'd imagine flashing back to stock and applying linear throttle would be nice. Though are the normal MHD OTS tunes about the same as IKM0S? Is MHD actually fixing the power class settings?
what exactly did you flash into the DME ? was it ikmos BEF or stock ikmos or .... ?