Glad to see you posted this guide up, I remember talking to you on FB two weeks ago or so because I had questions and this definitely answered them. Overall I really like the setup and if I had to start over I'd highly consider it myself.
I hope they offer each top hat or piece of the puzzle in general individually though - I do really like how the FPR bypass connects to the billet bucket but I'm good with my LPFP side setup and dont feel the need to swap it out for billet, however keeping the regulator in-tank is something I want very much. I would like to order just the drivers side hat if possible, run the bypass hose to my stock bucket and then use an 8an to stock sized QD adapter for the top of the tophat/fuel line and I'd call it a day with all of my fueling personally.
I've also always heard going up in hose size for the low pressure line doesn't make much of a difference in fueling, but damn does that 8an hose look beefy compared to the stock hose (which I believe is still 6an-sized ID, no?) and helps bring everything together. Maybe it's a combo of the braiding + picture angle + being (only?) 2 sizes larger, however I can't help but imagine that would help with flow more than a negligible amount, especially if people running a 525 secondary or running 3 pumps of anything.
Anyway, congrats Tyler on the sick setup in combo with the BMP4 and congrats to @EOSpeed on another awesome product. I'm glad you guys are from the Chicagoland/Joliet area so you can rep it, I still want a tour of your mad science lab some day though lol.
I hope they offer each top hat or piece of the puzzle in general individually though - I do really like how the FPR bypass connects to the billet bucket but I'm good with my LPFP side setup and dont feel the need to swap it out for billet, however keeping the regulator in-tank is something I want very much. I would like to order just the drivers side hat if possible, run the bypass hose to my stock bucket and then use an 8an to stock sized QD adapter for the top of the tophat/fuel line and I'd call it a day with all of my fueling personally.
I've also always heard going up in hose size for the low pressure line doesn't make much of a difference in fueling, but damn does that 8an hose look beefy compared to the stock hose (which I believe is still 6an-sized ID, no?) and helps bring everything together. Maybe it's a combo of the braiding + picture angle + being (only?) 2 sizes larger, however I can't help but imagine that would help with flow more than a negligible amount, especially if people running a 525 secondary or running 3 pumps of anything.
Anyway, congrats Tyler on the sick setup in combo with the BMP4 and congrats to @EOSpeed on another awesome product. I'm glad you guys are from the Chicagoland/Joliet area so you can rep it, I still want a tour of your mad science lab some day though lol.