Just as this situation seems obvious to you, as does the situation of being wary and doing research before letting "Jpworks" represent your forum by allowing him to have a vendor status.
Like you said, not to beat a dead horse..... I think we've both said all there really is to say on the subject.
I disagree those are anywhere near equal faults. One situation was resolve almost immediately given evidence and the other is not resolved and they hand over thousands of dollars over and over despite evidence. If I continued to allow him to be here and have more and more chances, then that would be an equal problem to be dumbfounded about.
There are plenty of people who sell on Facebook, Craigslist, eBay, Amazon and virtually every classified. None of those companies investigate the seller. None. They expect sellers and buyers to be moral and smart. When they have evidence that is not the case, they are expected to take action as that is the case here. If it was the companies goal to provide ultimate protection, they would simply disable those selling features of Facebook, craigslist and amazon would disallow 3rd party sellers, because they know that is simply not enforceable. This means, they expect people to be smart about things as do I, and they know they are leaving the door open to potential fraud. Not because the companies are negligent or wreckless. They do it because you have to trust people to use their brains, as having a one on one consultation with every person is not a scalable or sustainable business model. Particularly not because a few people want to save a few bucks. You can speak about his past but virtually everything I know about him is from this site, my prior knowledge of his behavior off of this site is largely irrelevant and non-existent. Much like how the electrical company does not care if you are watching porn on your computer, powered by their electricity. There is only certain information that applies to me and as the administrator of this site and not any other site, I concern myself primarily with the things members do here.