Motiv is very far from a simple log. I know nothing of the steedspeed manifolds personally so I can’t say. The costs involved in the Motiv must be really high due to the level of manufacturing required and the quality provided hence the large price tag. It flows much better than a simple log. A log is great if you have a small budget to single turbo your car and you don’t care about spool characteristics, flow, quality, craftsmanship etc
In which case, if you can’t afford a nice quality kit, can you really afford to be doing such a thing to your car in the first place? Probably not, but that’s none of my business. If you just want a cheap kit, there are vendors out there who provide cheap products. I don’t intend to do so, I have zero intention of slapping a log on the car and calling it a day. Just because something works, doesn’t mean it works for me and what I want.
Anyways, we have more kits going on local cars in the coming weeks. I’ve been absolutely slammed lately in terms of work so I haven’t had the chance to tune the car to what I want so the dyno results and logs will be coming in the next few weeks. Just give me a little time and I’ll get some results flowing for everyone to check out. Thanks again