I first drive the front wheels up on 56” long, 8” High Race Ramps:
This allows me to get my low profile “Racejack” under the front jacking point discussed below. I don’t like jacking the rear up so high with the front up on jacks yet, so I first jack the rear up with the front wheels still on the RaceRamps with wheel chocks behind front wheels.
Then I jack up rear center with wood blocks under rear diff using low profile jack. (Comment above to not jack up at the rear diff noted)
Then I place the Esco heavy duty Tripod jacks with billet jack pad adapters sitting on the rubber flat surfaces under rear jack points.
Bring the low profile jack around to the front and jack up the front off the RaceRamps at the center jacking point as shown by Pelicanparts.com:
I then place two other jack stands with BMW jack pad adapters under the two front jack pads and lower the car onto them. Because my two front jack stands are different from the rear jack stands I use 3/4” wood block shims between the jacks stands and billet adapters to make the front jack stands level with the rear jack stands.
Last - slide the race ramps sideways under the car “just in case”.