Happy Father's day to all of you dads out there!
Lots of good and bad news lately with the car.
Good news:
Scooped up a cheap lip and side skirt extensions from eBay
Installed my semi-built transmission and cooler along with the inline thermostat
Turbos and motor have a clean bill of health
Bad news:
New transmission is not shifting properly
My shop finally got me in for the transmission install. If you haven't kept up with this thread ill go over the components that were replaced in this 30k mile transmission
OEM pan/filter
OEM gasket
OEM mech sleeves
Custom Aluminum "double square" mech adapter
OEM ZF lifeguard fluid
Setrab 19 row transmission cooler
Improved racing 165 In-line Trans Thermostat.
So I dropped off the car about a week ago and all was well. The shop refused to install the sway bars and end links as they could not complete that project in time so those are for sale if anyone is interested. Brand new UUC F+R Sway bar kit for XI cars only and Front endlinks(used). TGS sells this for $840ish all new. I am willing to let them go for $775 to someone locally as I think shipping would be a nightmare. Will send pictures to serious inquiries. PM me if you're interested!
Back to the transmission situation,
Dropped off the car about a week ago with the new cooler, t-stat, and fluid. Heard from the shop about 3 days after saying they are wrapping the install up and only had to get some AN fittings to properly mount the cooler in the fog light housing area. All seemed well until I got a call the next day. They said they reset adaptations and took the car around the block for a test drive and immediately noticed erratic shifting and shortly after, the transmission fault light pop up on the iDrive system. They parked the car and contacted me right away. I asked them to flash the stock transmission map from xHP to fix the issue and they did with no luck. They flashed back to stage 3 xHP and still the same issue. So now I am kind of stuck on what could be the issue. They scanned the codes via xHP and it came back as
Gear Monitoring ratio 3-4
I called the shop who installed the zipkit, pan, filter etc and although they were very nice, did not want to look at it and their bmw tech is on vacation until next week.
I am kind of stuck and wanted to ask the transmission gurus of this forum on what would be the next step to get the car shifting properly.
Things could be worse is what I keep telling myself.....