Hi sir. That would be very generous! I would be so great full! I spend money every week on mods or I get a mod well now I need this, everything I have done started June 2016 and I have spent about 1k a week on it since I started. I have an e90 n54 At 2009 built after 9/2008 the fuel system upgrades were next on my list after I replaced a low pressure fuel sensor it's under the throttle body and charge pipe to get to it. I just upgraded my jb4 to Bluetooth G5 ios and added the MHD Flash w/jb4 backend flash and the MHD E85 set at 40% w/93 octane.WANT! NEED! MUST HAVE!!!!
It would be greatly appreciated to be considered for this mod I think it's perfect timing for my build. Thanks!
Robert McGeorge