Vendor documentation:
That's OK, we'll get it. You're trying to pull everything down off the CiC and commit it, or just a more in-depth filesystem map?
$~/Downloads/bmw/BMW-combox (hix) $ git push --set-upstream origin hix
Username for ''
Password for 'https://@[email protected]':
remote: Permission to rhodesman/BMW-combox.git denied to.
fatal: unable to access '': The requested URL returned error: 403
rsync is not a functioning command with QNX. other options?Can you rsync it instead so it follows all the symlinks?
Also, see this since we're stuck in telnet land like it's 1995:
Can you loop it? It's gross, but at least it's automatic. Even if you write a short expect script, it could work (I think).
Edit: That won't work.
EDIT: Not responsible for your bricked combox!.
sweet mother of god!
# Systat and netstat give out user information which man be
# valuable to potential "system crackers." Many sites choose to disable
# some or all of these services to improve security.
#systat stream tcp nowait root /bin/ps ps -auwwx
#netstat stream tcp nowait root /usr/bin/netstat netstat -f inet
That was my reason for going down this road, thwarting a $1400 "upgrade" plus I wanted to see if I could setup my own connected drive server so that I didn't have to pay the $400/yr to have access to that also.It's because the older cars run on a 2G network (which I never knew existed i.e. GPRS, 3G, 4G, LTE. Etc., that has been cut off in some places... (coming soon to a car near you!)
there is an option tho, you can buy the 4G upgrade kit for the older BMWs... it's like 1400$ tho
I think.... I think I have FOUND the files used to connect to BMW connected drive! In the folderare a bunch of XML files starting with "cert.xml". Looking inside cert.xml I see a TON of SSL keys for various vendors and from several SSL authentication authorities. Also, some interesting SSL Cert valid dates, some going to 2032 while others expired back in 2011 (my car is a 2010 model year). But, BUT, looking at the xml files named DAR_#.xml (where # is a number sequence starting at 0) you can see isdn, proxy IP, port used, login info for that proxy, etc. etc.Code:/net/front/etc/ppp/
NOTE: I had these files up on the git repo but removed them because of the sensitive nature of the data. All with the username, passwords and ip addresses of BMW's servers, I felt it was not right to have those up for public view. But now you know where you can find your own xml setting files!![]()
Looking at /net/front/etc/inetd.conf, it looks like you may be able to start sshd.
Also in that file
Code:# Systat and netstat give out user information which man be # valuable to potential "system crackers." Many sites choose to disable # some or all of these services to improve security. # #systat stream tcp nowait root /bin/ps ps -auwwx #netstat stream tcp nowait root /usr/bin/netstat netstat -f inet