So after a few weeks of work, I built something similar. It's not "production" by any means and it's just the portal.
Initially I was after the internet browser but couldn't get the binauth working. I set the cookies but it still didn't work.
Anyway, the portal is more appropriate for what I wanted anyway. I was going to create a nice page and set it as the homepage. This is exactly that.
Still WIP, interface will probably change. I will polish it further then make the VM available for others to work on too. I've spent waaay too much time on this now.
As much as I would have liked to, I did not sniff anything from a working car. A base station to downgrade 2G and a car with active subscription were not available.
Browser engine specs:
- HTML4.01, XHTML1.1, cHTML, XHTML Basic 1.0, WML1.3
- CSS 1 & 2
- ECMAScript 3rd Edition (JavaScript 1.5)
- DOM1, 2 and Dynamic HTML
- GIF, animated GIF, BMP, PNG, JPEG and MNG
- HTTP1.1
- SSL2.0/3.0,TLS1.0
- Cookies
Not exactly cutting edge...
P.S, if anyone knows how to handle the "Internet" binauth and would like to let the world know, please do.
Initially I was after the internet browser but couldn't get the binauth working. I set the cookies but it still didn't work.
Anyway, the portal is more appropriate for what I wanted anyway. I was going to create a nice page and set it as the homepage. This is exactly that.
- To run the server code I used a Bitnami LAMP ova that's nice and portable so you can self-host it.
- Custom provisioning and modified DAS+DPAS on the Combox.
- The portal is implemented purely with HTML and PHP. Almost everything is done server-side.
- News provided by Search provided by
Still WIP, interface will probably change. I will polish it further then make the VM available for others to work on too. I've spent waaay too much time on this now.
As much as I would have liked to, I did not sniff anything from a working car. A base station to downgrade 2G and a car with active subscription were not available.
Browser engine specs:
- HTML4.01, XHTML1.1, cHTML, XHTML Basic 1.0, WML1.3
- CSS 1 & 2
- ECMAScript 3rd Edition (JavaScript 1.5)
- DOM1, 2 and Dynamic HTML
- GIF, animated GIF, BMP, PNG, JPEG and MNG
- HTTP1.1
- SSL2.0/3.0,TLS1.0
- Cookies
Not exactly cutting edge...
P.S, if anyone knows how to handle the "Internet" binauth and would like to let the world know, please do.