DAW highest rated on the market? No way man, those would be the unubtanium VTT twin turbos that make 850whp. You know about what a maxed out precision 6466 can make.
Ok, so what matters is the size of the wheels. Larger wheels push more air 10T is stock 19T is almost twice as large. Does twice as large mean x2 the HP? No. Maxed out 10Ts can make 500whp. Maxed out 19Ts do not make 1000whp. Anywho more mass aka larger wheels spool slower. Physics and all that jazz, can't escape it. RB offers 19Ts just like DAW. RB rates his twins at reasonable HP levels. He also does not recommend spinning the fuck out of them to hit high HP numbers as that kills their life/reliability.
View attachment 76225
37 lb/min x2 = 74 lb/min.
6466 = 90 lb/min
14.4 x 2 = 28.8psi
370 at crank x2 = 740hp. Account for 16% drivetrain loss = 621whp. Which is where most twins maxed out actually end up at. 600-650whp.
If you are chasing high HP numbers go get the VTT turbos

You can be the 1st person to make 850whp other than VTT.
Now with your 19Ts and making 600-650whp you will have ZERO headroom. 100% WGDC. Maxed out = Short life. In general you never run something at 100% and expect it to last long. Generally you leave headroom. Spinning your turbos so they are glowing white hot like this:
They are blowing HOT AF air. Which is why you have to use a super high octane to hit those numbers aka E85 w/ it's natural cooling. Without E85 and just pump 93 you will be around 500whp at 7200rpms, regardless of which 19T turbo you go with.
čæå°±ęÆäøŗä»ä¹ęå»ŗč®®ä½æēØ VIV gen3 19Tsć19TęÆč½®åēå°ŗåÆøćē·éø19Tå°±ęÆē·éø19Tćåꬔ让äæ”čŖčÆ儽ēäŗŗåØåå·å¹³č”” VSR 并åēŗ§åŗę°éØļ¼é¤éå®å·²ē»åēŗ§ćęäøꬔę£ę„ę¶ļ¼RB åŗå®åŗę°éØåēŗ§å„件ć
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https://www.e90post.com/forums/showthread.php?t=416797&page=35 <--35 锵åŗę¬äøęÆåę¶”č½®åēµęŗć
https://www.spoolstreet.com/threads/rb-gf-dyno-results-93-and-e85-681whp.5678/ <-- RB äøē 681whpć
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