Native Android Auto on ID6


Jan 18, 2021
I've been working on this for a few weeks and thought I'd share my progress.

I've successfully patched/packaged/integrated an Android Auto solution that runs natively on the EVO. It consists of quite a few components the core of which is the media manager application extracted from a similar Harman project with the same hardware as the EVO. It required a significant amount of patching and also a library to proxy input from the ZBE, control screen surfaces and so on.

I've reused the Baidu CarLife menu to achieve integration into the HMI. Small note here - don't waste your life trying to make CarLife work, the UI is there but the transport layer isn't implemented.

Input via the ZBE works fully and I implemented rudimentary touch. I don't have a real touchscreen to test with so for now, that feature isn't being developed. Audio is not yet tested/implemented. Wireless works through a Carlinkit CPC200-C2A.

So far there are 31 files in the package. The code for the proxy lib and the launcher will be on my github when ready.

Some native screenshots:

aap-no bar.png


Apologies for the horrendous video quality but as you can see my Pixel is being used for the demo:

WiFi -

This is NBTevo_Y24073J on HW2.3 (2GB).
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Jan 3, 2023
Woah. That's impressive to say the least. I don't own an Android (anymore) but maybe someone here is going to replicate that. Although I'm sure most would lack the sheer competence to even replicate that. Me included for sure. It's a nice proof of concept.

Props for investing that much time and effort into our cars.