I am working on E90 that came with the MK60E5 DSC module, I am having issue with the pedal travel excessively after multiple bleed attempt W/ DSC activation. No, it is not air in the system, the reason is that every time I activate " Abgleich Analog MCI Ventile" and " Ableich Analog Einlassventil", the pedal travel become firm and become more responsive ( in driving condition), it seems like when the two functions activated, it reposition the valves in some way ( better seating) and may have push some of the debris away from the valve , but since it is a closed system , it will probably hang around, long story short, I have few questions for those who familiarize with this system and hoping to learn something as I trouble shoot this -
Question 1.) Abgleich Analog Einlassventil , I believe it translates to adjustment Analog inlet valve , which means it activate the inlet valve solenoid while the pump turn on , so what is Abgleich Anglog MCI Ventile ? is that the outlet valve solenoid? what exactly is doing when activate ? I noticed some solenoid turn on and pump turn on too
Questions 2.) ABS light off, Yellow DSC and Brake light remain on , does that mean Dynamic Brake Control, Electronic Brake Force Distribution , Cornering Braking Control and Brake Readiness are off? The reason I asked is because whenever the activation of the " MCI ventile and Analog Einlassventil" , the brake pedal feel firm and the work apply to the system ( in this case "pressure") exponentially while input pressure ( while pressing the brake pedal ) at constant rate. After maybe 10 literation of activating the system, the excessive travel become noticeable as I believe the fluid might have bypass the system into the spring loaded reservoir. When the pedal being double "TAP" quickly, firmness return.
My reasoning align with some of the recall announce through other auto manufacture, the Nissan Murano ( 2009 ) is a prefect example,see the link below-
Question 1.) Abgleich Analog Einlassventil , I believe it translates to adjustment Analog inlet valve , which means it activate the inlet valve solenoid while the pump turn on , so what is Abgleich Anglog MCI Ventile ? is that the outlet valve solenoid? what exactly is doing when activate ? I noticed some solenoid turn on and pump turn on too
Questions 2.) ABS light off, Yellow DSC and Brake light remain on , does that mean Dynamic Brake Control, Electronic Brake Force Distribution , Cornering Braking Control and Brake Readiness are off? The reason I asked is because whenever the activation of the " MCI ventile and Analog Einlassventil" , the brake pedal feel firm and the work apply to the system ( in this case "pressure") exponentially while input pressure ( while pressing the brake pedal ) at constant rate. After maybe 10 literation of activating the system, the excessive travel become noticeable as I believe the fluid might have bypass the system into the spring loaded reservoir. When the pedal being double "TAP" quickly, firmness return.
My reasoning align with some of the recall announce through other auto manufacture, the Nissan Murano ( 2009 ) is a prefect example,see the link below-

Nissan Recalls Murano Due to ABS Part
Nissan is recalling certain 2009 Murano vehicles due to a problem in the ABS system that creates slow braking.