
New Member
Jul 11, 2024
I need help doing essentially a factory dme reset. my car went into sleep mode while i had been working on it for some time about a month and almost 2 weeks to be exact. my silly ass is a journeyman lineman not a bmw tech that said i build shit work on cars do dumb shit and am a guy so please help guidence information is what im looking for. not any keyboard fights.

I have a f30 n26. i did a bunch of work on the car plus already had a bunch of work done. plus trans flash and stage 2 flash both from bm3. full stage 2 bolt ons and stage 2 mhi big turbo. 200celll downpipe and only axle back both mid pipe resignators are in. soo i did bunch of maintence. here we go. trans pan and filter water pump and full hose kit, alt. ac compressor. condensor, changed to a different intercooler vrsf was in it be4 but blew donky dick, tensioner, throttle body gaskety, intake man gasket, oil cooler gasket, oil housing gasket, cleaned the entire pcv valve system, minor wire tuck, no splicing or anything like that more like a re route, uhhhhhh idk bunch of shit...

ultimately the car went into hibernation and now im having trouble getting the car to run. i get many many crank no starts. although it has ran.. ironically seems like once i use my duramax to jump (my power pack be dieing quick) she will fire up run and some times be rough idle like map and tpms etc are all wonky, majority crank no start.. soo cars in hibernation or sleep mode whatever you wanna call it i have the original batter on a maint\charger,, do some test on the battery and put some load threw it to see what kind of life left and its limp as my you know what. so i go buy brand new battery that weighs almost as much as my leg and install it not thinking.... ding dooongggg your about to wake up all your sensors dme ecm yada yada... ive flashed back to stock tune but thats not as good as having a straight out the factory reset tune. ive tried to clear adapations and run new valuyes clear dme codes delete perminate errors but it comes right back like the clap.......... help im about to buy either ista or pro tool possibly
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Reactions: Thunderstorm1250
Sep 5, 2023
Any error codes from Protools or Ista? Sometimes they pick some up that generic scanners can't see, even high dollar ones.

I thought maybe you had a CAS EWS4 security issue but it sounds like you were able to fire up the car with a jump.