This is a full titanium exhaust system for the Z4 for $3200... It took me a little bit of time to try and find it because the YouTube video is from 2010, but I've located it and just wow.. A full titanium exhaust system for only $3200 that sounds like this?! Yeah, I think I'll take this.. Absolutely amazing if you ask me. What do you guys think about the sound? I'm curious. I'm also not a huge fan of fake quad exhaust so this is perfect for me.
This is the website and link to the part. Just use google translate and send an email for inquiry if you're interested! Sent mine in today and will let you know how much the cost of shipping will be.
This is the website and link to the part. Just use google translate and send an email for inquiry if you're interested! Sent mine in today and will let you know how much the cost of shipping will be.

BMW E89 Z4 EXHAUST SYSTEM - TK-square | メンテナンス | ガレージ
E89 Z4 フルエキゾーストシステム チタン をリリースしました。 純正マフラー 26.3kgTk-Spec 8.7kg17.6kgの減量に成功しました。 サウンドも乾いた感じのサウンドで心地よい大きさと音質です。 … Continue reading "BMW E89 Z4 EXHAUST SYSTEM"

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