white smoke tail pipe

  1. O

    Technical Car won’t boost and white/blue smoke pours out after swapping turbos need help

    I recently blew the old 17t’s that came with my 135i when I bought it and bought replacements after installing everything (torqued to spec with all new hardware and seals minus new feed lines since they looked perfect) it was finally time to start the car. After cranking to get oil into the...
  2. drymite

    N54 White smoke

    i know theres a couple posts about white smoke or smoke in general turbo seal etc but i been on almost every e90 and 1addict post form related to n54 smoke i couldnt find my exact situation. i have a E92 335i build date july 06. i bought the car with bad turbos and almost everything neglected i...
  3. matreyia

    Time to Replace Turbos - 2009 e93

    This morning, I was minding my own business and driving along when a Mustang 5.0 came by and asked to do a little racing, so I obliged and left him behind. Unfortunately, I looked down and realized temps were not yet 160F operating range. Felt a little slowdown/hesitation while WOT and RPMs...