
  1. Leon.iDirty5

    Technical E82 2008 135i single turbo build

    Posting my current project E82 going single jingle Speed tech kit and VS 6766 eventually want a 6262 or 6462 but I purchased with this size turbo I currently have all hot parts installed and port injection installed now I’m fighting a charge pipe I purchased with stripped out map sensor...
  2. Mikejones1208

    My Slow ST N54 "build thread"

    Hello!! Recently decided to do a build thread of my 2009 335i, owned for a little over 2 years and shes gone thru many iterations, 2 turbo kits, 3 different suspension setups, and like 4 passenger side axles . Enjoy the current parts list and photo dump! Engine -AC Fabrication Single turbo kit...
  3. steve335i

    Prometh direct port Q/A?

    Hey guys, new here but have owned my 335i for a little over a year. Currently I'm in the process of building my motor, waiting on machine shop. one question I do have is this: I want to run the prometh direct port water methanol kit, but in doing so I was told to get the ProMeth pump, lines ...
  4. Saultostado

    Single turbo requirements

    Alright so I did some searching but couldn't find much info. I'm having wg rattle and smoke so I'm going to be choosing a single turbo setup. Do I need a PI or upgraded hpfp/lpfp? Only going for ~550hp. I have an '07 335i with the following mods: BMS DP BMS DCI Magnaflow exhaust Jb4 ER...
  5. TurboMike

    Spec 3+ clutch or Mfactory twin disk clutch

    Going single turbo with the doc 6766 kit. Also decided to upgrade clutch while doing this as I'd only burn out the act 6 puck I have in now (565tq rating) quickly. I see there's has been problems with the spec twin disk not lasting which worries me about spending the money on the twin disk...