
  1. E92_Amit

    CIC Combox Retrofit Harness

    Anyone selling, or know where I can get, a complete PnP combox retrofit harness for TCU only?
  2. aus335iguy

    E9X M Drive retrofit on e9x 335i/s

    Now that @dyezak has done the drivelogic retrofit to his ‘IS i feel inspired to persue some M goodness of my own. Ill do drivelogic eventually and ill likely change to an M3 diff as well but one other thing that interests me as well is M Drive. A company in Sydney called brintech reckon that...
  3. TwinTurboWagon

    Walk Through: Building High-end Headlights

    SpoolStreeters, I wanted to share the process of building these custom headlights for this single turbo E90. At first glance it may just appear that some paint was applied and the angel eyes were removed but internally there were some major changes made and this thread will cover all of...