bmw 1m

  1. raphyv12

    Hi Everyone! My 1M Tribute

    Hi Everyone! My name is Raphy and this is my 2010 135i aka my 1M tribute. Full 1M conversion, Speedtech 6266 setup, 3 piece fikse wheels, and a bunch more! I’m on IG @raphy.v
  2. aus335iguy

    N54 Flash IKMOS on your non IKMOS car 1M on a non M car

    Couple of people have asked now so I thought id share so its not such a secret Edit Prerequisite for this is that you have an MSD81 DME Attached are two files. One is EU spec and the other is US You can use either in either market(I think) but if you use the US version in an EU car you'll need...
  3. aus335iguy


    Stock US IKMOS bin file